Debt Settlement Pros and Cons

Debt Settlement Pros and Cons
BY Gideon Sandford
Feb 19, 2025
Key Takeaways:
  • Debt settlement is a way to pay your creditors less than you owe while avoiding bankruptcy.
  • Your credit score may drop while you pursue debt settlement.
  • If you successfully settle your debts, you may owe taxes on any amount that’s forgiven.

It's no secret that getting out of debt can be a lot harder than getting into it. If you're feeling overwhelmed by debt, there are a range of options available to help you get your debt under control. Debt settlement is one way you may be able to pay less than you currently owe without going through bankruptcy. There are also risks to entering a debt settlement plan, so make sure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of debt settlement.

Here's a closer look at how these plans work.

What is debt settlement and how does it work?

Debt settlement means convincing your unsecured creditors to accept less than your total balance as payment in full. Here are the basics:

Anyone can negotiate with their own creditors. But some people don’t want to. When that’s the case, you also have the choice to work with a professional debt settlement company. A reputable debt settlement company should already have relationships with most major creditors. They might be able to negotiate a better agreement than you could get yourself.

The first step is to come up with money to offer your creditors. You may be able to borrow it from friends and family, use your existing savings, sell some things that you own, or build up a balance over time. If you work with a professional debt settlement company, they’ll set up a Dedicated Account for this purpose. 

Saving up money can be difficult or impossible if you’re struggling with debt. To get over this hurdle, some people choose to stop paying their creditors while they save up money for making offers. If you stop paying your debts, expect your credit score to take a hit. Even so, missing payments is a clear signal to your creditors that you’re in a financial crisis. 

Debt settlement is for someone who is having a financial hardship and may have already fallen behind. It’s not for someone who can afford to fully repay their debts. Missing payments is serious, but the debt settlement process could help you get back on your feet. Financial stability could put you in the best position to build a healthy credit standing.

The next step is to make an offer. Once you have enough money, you or your Debt Consultant contacts one of your creditors to offer a percentage of the total due as payment in full. Often, that contact takes the form of a debt settlement letter.

You and your creditor review and approve the agreement. If you’re working with a Debt Consultant, you should get the chance to review and approve the agreement before it goes forward. Once you and your creditor both approve, you should both formally agree in writing. You might receive an electronic document to sign. 

You pay the agreed-upon amount and clear the debt. After you have a signed agreement, you send the amount you agreed on to the creditor. If you’re working with a debt settlement company, they’ll pay your creditor from your Dedicated Account. The debt settlement company’s fee is paid from the same account. 

Once you've settled with a creditor, be sure to check your credit report to make sure the balance is zero.

Debt settlement pros and cons - summary

Privacy protectionHarassment
AffordabilityNo guarantee
Reduce debtPossible taxes
Avoid bankruptcyCredit score impact
Single monthly payment
Resolve debt in 2-4 years

Debt settlement pros

Debt settlement has a few advantages over other approaches to resolving your debts.

Privacy protection: Unlike bankruptcy, debt settlement takes place outside the court system. Bankruptcy, meanwhile, creates a public record that anyone can find. That includes future employers, professional licensing agencies, romantic partners, or even in-laws. If bankruptcy would embarrass you or harm you professionally, debt settlement might be a better option.

Higher success rate: Nearly half of Chapter 13 bankruptcies fail. In contrast, most people in Freedom Debt Relief’s debt settlement program settle their first debt within about three months.*  

Chapter 7 bankruptcy tends to be more successful than Chapter 13, but not everyone qualifies. Also, you might have to give up some of the things that you own. 

Affordability: A debt settlement plan may be more affordable than a debt management program or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 enrollees often pay more than the original amount of their debts because of attorney fees and court fees. Debt management programs are not designed to reduce the balance that you owe. 

Control: Debt settlement may help by giving you a sense of control over your debt. Confronting your debt and taking positive action by negotiating a debt settlement or saving up money to make a settlement offer in the future can help put you back in control of your finances.

Reduce debt: It’s possible for debt settlement to reduce the total amount of debt you owe. Reducing your debt may mean more money to pay everyday bills.

Single monthly payment: With a debt settlement program, you’ll make a single monthly payment into your Dedicated Account, making your finances easier to track and manage.

Resolve debt in 2-4 years: Debt settlement programs generally allow you to get rid of your unsecured debts in as little as 2 to 4 years, far faster than most people are able to clear their debts by making minimum payments.

Debt settlement cons

Debt settlement may allow you to pay creditors less than you owe, but it comes with risks and other downsides you need to be aware of.

Harassment: If you stop paying your creditors, they may start aggressively pursuing you with phone calls and threatening letters. They may send you texts or emails as well. They can also send your account to a collections agency or sue you to get a court to order you to pay.

No guarantee: A debt settlement plan isn't guaranteed to reduce the amount you owe. A reputable debt settlement company will never promise that it can settle your accounts, reduce the amount you owe, or make any other claims like that.

Debt settlements are voluntary, and no creditor is required to settle with you no matter how much you can offer. If a creditor refuses to settle, you may damage your credit score by refusing to pay and still end up owing the same amount or more after the creditor applies fees and penalties.

If your creditor believes that you can afford to repay your entire balance, they may refuse to negotiate a settlement.

If you file for bankruptcy, your creditors can't opt out. Plus, they can't continue collection efforts.

Fees: Professional debt settlement companies typically charge a fee of between 15% and 25% of the debt you're trying to settle. 

Taxes: The tax treatment of settled debt is complicated, and you should contact a tax professional if you have questions about your specific situation. The amount of debt forgiven in a debt settlement may be treated as taxable income. However, if you qualify as insolvent (what you owe is worth more than what you own), then the amount of your debt that's forgiven may not be taxable.

Impact on credit score: Your credit score could be negatively impacted by participation in a debt settlement program. For example, settling for less than the full amount you owe could result in a negative mark on your credit report, impacting your ability to qualify for credit in the near future.

Not all creditors participate: Not all creditors are willing to negotiate, limiting the effectiveness of debt settlement. If some of your debts are settled but others are not, you’re left with the issue of dealing with multiple debts.

How to decide if debt settlement is right for you

Decide how to tackle unaffordable debt by asking yourself these questions first:

  • How much disposable income do I have? Low-income debtors might do better in bankruptcy.

  • Am I insolvent? If your liabilities are greater than your assets, forgiven debts won't be taxed and debt settlement may be a good path forward.

  • How much debt am I trying to get rid of? For very large amounts, bankruptcy might be less expensive because bankruptcy lawyers tend to charge flat fees. 

  • How likely are my creditors to settle? If the debt is old, has been charged off or sold to a debt collector, debt settlement becomes easier. 

  • Can I document a financial hardship? Your creditors are more likely to negotiate if your financial position is obviously weak.

  • Will a bankruptcy make me ineligible for work or embarrass me? Bankruptcies are public record, but debt settlement is not.

  • Can I afford to keep up with a debt management plan? If so, you'll do less damage to your credit compared to other options.

It's important to weigh debt settlement pros and cons before attempting to resolve your payment problems. Understanding the pros and cons of debt settlement and other options can help you choose the most effective solution for your situation.

A look into the world of debt relief seekers

We looked at a sample of data from Freedom Debt Relief of people seeking debt relief during November 2024. This data highlights the wide range of individuals turning to debt relief.

Credit card balances by age group for those seeking debt relief

How do credit card balances vary across different age groups? In November 2024, people seeking debt relief showed the following trends in their open credit card tradelines and average credit card balances:

  • Ages 18-25: Average balance of $9,117 with a monthly payment of $282

  • Ages 26-35: Average balance of $12,438 with a monthly payment of $390

  • Ages 36-50: Average balance of $15,436 with a monthly payment of $431

  • Ages 51-65: Average balance of $16,159 with a monthly payment of $529

  • Ages 65+: Average balance of $16,546 with a monthly payment of $499

These figures show that credit card debt can affect anyone, regardless of age. Managing credit card debt can be challenging, whether you're just starting out or nearing retirement.

Collection accounts balances – average debt by selected states.

Collection debt is one example of consumers struggling to pay their bills. According to 2023, data from the Urban Institute, 26% of people had a debt in collection.

In November 2024, 30% of debt relief seekers had a collection balance. The average amount of open collection account debt was $3,203.

Here is a quick look at the top five states by average collection debt balance.

State% with collection balanceAvg. collection balance
District of Columbia23$4,899

The statistics are based on all debt relief seekers with a collection account balance over $0.

If you’re facing similar challenges, remember you’re not alone. Seeking help is a good first step to managing your debt.

Regain Financial Freedom

Seeking debt relief can be the first step toward financial freedom. Are you struggling with debt? Explore options for debt relief to regain control of your finances. It doesn't matter how old you are or what your FICO score or credit utilization is. Take the first step towards a brighter financial future today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s worse for credit scores, debt settlement or bankruptcy?

Debt settlement and bankruptcy will both appear as negative marks on your credit report and will almost certainly lower your credit score. Debt settlement may have less of an impact than bankruptcy on your credit scores over time.

How much debt settlement lowers your score depends on your starting score. If you’re already missing payments, then debt settlement may not hurt you much. If you have a perfect history of on-time payments, then stopping payments or settling your debts may cause your credit score to drop fast. Once your debts have been settled, your score should increase over time if you pay on time, keep your credit card balances low, and avoid applying for credit until you need it.

Is debt settlement better than debt management?

The right solution for you depends on your situation. Debt management has a lower success rate than debt settlement, but that’s because many people can’t afford the monthly payment. If you can safely afford to make your debt management plan payment, it’s a good solution because it costs very little and doesn’t hurt your credit much. But if you can’t afford your debt, debt settlement may be a better way to go. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says that debt settlement is more affordable than debt management.

How much debt can be forgiven with debt settlement?

The amount of debt forgiveness that you can achieve through debt settlement depends on what your creditors are willing to accept. There is no guarantee of what they will forgive. In general, older debts that have already been written off or sold to debt collectors are easier to negotiate than new debt. And if you can prove financial hardship and insolvency, creditors tend to be more forgiving.