Consumer approved, industry recognized
© 2025. All rights reserved. Freedom Debt Relief, LLC
*Our estimates are based on prior results, which will vary depending on your specific enrolled creditors and your individual program terms. Not all clients are able to complete their program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. We do not guarantee that your debts will be resolved for a specific amount or percentage or within a specific period of time. We do not assume your debts, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. Our service is not available in all states, including New Jersey, and our fees may vary from state to state. Please contact a tax professional to discuss potential tax consequences of less than full balance debt resolution. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. The use of debt settlement services will likely adversely affect your creditworthiness, may result in you being subject to collections or being sued by creditors or collectors and may increase the outstanding balances of your enrolled accounts due to the accrual of fees and interest. However, negotiated settlements we obtain on your behalf resolve the entire account, including all accrued fees and interest. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S.12-03825.
1 Information provided in this graph is for informational purposes only and the Freedom Debt Relief option does not constitute an offer for debt resolution or any other product. The “Freedom Debt Relief” curve and corresponding program terms (estimated monthly deposit, cost, and length) are based on the median offer of debt resolution offers during the preceding 90-day period for the amount of credit card debt you have entered. Any actual terms will vary and this product is not available in all states.
The “Current” bar assumes the payment of the estimated current total minimum monthly payment. Your total minimum monthly payment, which is the total payment due to your creditors each month for your total credit card debt, is estimated based on the credit card balance you have provided, the assumed finance charge discussed above, and a principal pay down percentage based on publicly available information. This payment strategy applies the minimum monthly payment as a fixed amount until the balance has been paid in full. This is a fixed monthly payment amount which may differ from the actual required minimum payments on your credit card debt over time.
The “Current” bar also assumes the payment of the estimated current total minimum monthly payment. The estimated total minimum monthly payment, which is the total payment due to your creditors each month for your credit card debt, is an assumption based on the credit card balance you have provided, the assumed finance charge discussed above, and a principal pay down percentage based on publicly available information. This payment strategy applies the minimum monthly payment as a fixed amount until the balance has been paid in full. This is a fixed monthly payment amount which may differ from the actual required minimum payments on your credit card debt over time.
When a minimum payment is estimated: Estimated current total minimum monthly payment is the total payment due to your creditors each month.
When a time to pay off debt is estimated: Time to pay down your debts is the total estimated number of months it would take for you to pay your debts in full if you pay the estimated current total minimum monthly payment due to your creditors each month.
When a total amount (principal, interest and fees) is estimated: Total estimated amount you will pay in principal, interest and fees over time if you pay only the estimated current total minimum monthly payment due to your creditors each month.
2 Actual client of Freedom Debt Relief. Client’s endorsement is a paid testimonial. Individual results are not typical and will vary.
Freedom Debt Relief, LLC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.
Freedom Debt Relief is located at 1875 S Grant St #400, San Mateo, CA 94402